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Happy New year 2020. Yeah, Cheers!

I packed my luggage and rode towards Malana and Kasol. Being a stoner, it was something to cherish, to be there for the New year. With the present climate, I could not start early. I started around 9 in the morning and found a stay by 7 in the evening. On reaching Malana after 2 days, I ended up at a fake party that brought me together with a few boys from Kerala.

We just smoked up and lazed. On the 31st we took a bus ride to Manikaran for a natural hot spring bath. My plan was to attend a party as it was the new year but ended up cooking dinner for 5 people. 

Happy New year 2020. Yeah, Cheers! 

The first day of the year was lazy and I didn't like it. Everything happens for good and good things take time. 

The place was a mess. Torn blankets, filthy kitchen, dozens of bottles stocked up, ashes everywhere, with cigarette buds thrown around. Cleaning happened only once a day though. The guy running it, Regish was a lovely soul but in vain. He said he used to work in Dubai for a few years, lived in Kerala for a while and had then moved to Malana. Worked in a restaurant for some time and now was running this guest house. It was him alone managing everything from cooking to cleaning being on a high most of the time. The other 3 guests were from Kannur. Damn, so close to Coorg. Two of them working in Dubai and one worked in a shop in Kerala. 

The very first day of the year went for a toss and on the 2nd morning, I started to Bir Billing as guided by the great Rajinikanth. I asked Regish for the bill and he said 350 a day. It was worth the stay being a new year and I ate a few meals too. I started, said goodbye and rode on.

In life, often we feel we are off track, confused with what is right and wrong. What's right to you might be wrong to another. Overall we must not forget nature and its way of balancing lives. After all, what are we? humans, one among them million lives that are going extinct every day. We have brought our lives and lifestyles to such an extent that living has gone out of life. We are shaped by our experiences and only at the final moment when we close our eyes, we realize what we are. 

The funny thing is I'm in between. On one side I've lived with people having more than what they need, living to show off and always thinking to be better than the next person and on the other side, there were people who worked one season and rested another living together sharing whatever they have. Being in between is a rough patch, but I like it. On one side I have enough to eat till I die and on the other side, I'm always changing myself for my own betterment. It feels like a joker. :)

In this present world, one who's normal often ends up confused. He who knows life and ways of living right is often called a joker. After going around the country living with people across corners, seeing their culture and lifestyles, living in cities, villages and a lot alone in my tent, I have understood that I always felt the best with my own company. 

Spirituality on the other side has proved to me that the god we believe takes the side of Dharma, Satya and Karma. There is no point living tit for tat, nature does the job. I am someone who believes in all religions, they are all beautiful in what they really teach and I have faith in them all. What's unfortunate is today, even religion is manipulated by selfish self-proclaimed leaders with the compulsion to follow what their so-called leaders say rather than trying to understand the meaning of their own religion or understand God.

Islam believes in One God, Allah. Allah literally means One God, the supreme and the ultimate creator. For they can't call another god by name. Like in Hinduism we worship God in many names as per the individual needs, Laxmi for money, Vishnu for family, shiva for knowledge, shakti for energy and it goes on. Even Bhagavad Geeta, In conversations of our gods like Krishna and Vishnu, mentions the supreme one who is beyond themselves Krishna and Vishnu. Christianity on the other side, one is free from all sins once they confess. Sounds simple but it takes courage to speak out the fault.

My view is I believe in one God, the supreme. The one who has sent us messengers like Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha. People used their names to guide people in the name of religion. In Hinduism, I feel we follow the lives of some great people like Shiva and Vishnu who were also humans who lived great lives.

The trick between the three main religions, Islam says there is one God and one is not supposed to call him by any other name, he knows this so he is allowed to eat beef which is a form of god. In Hinduism, we have created numerous energy centres in various names. We want to have the power so we keep god aside and believe in these energy centres which work using gods energy. Hence we pray to cows for energy and are not allowed to eat them. Jesus on the other side, tried to live a rightful life and was still crucified with torture where the Christians understood to live was a balance of good and bad and to get over the guilt so you simply confess to god himself and move on.

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On the way to Himachal.

On the way to Himachal.

On the way to Mandi.

Somewhere in Himachal.

On the way to Malana.

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Thankful to them all, Thankful to the One! Much metta


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